Easy English Learning: The Road Not Taken (Word-Meanings & Question-Answers)

Friday 28 May 2021

The Road Not Taken (Word-Meanings & Question-Answers)



                                The Road Not Taken
                              (New) Word-Meanings






to beat or press with the feet



to take a deep audible breath



separated and went in two different directions



to hear


A. Answer these questions.

1. Do the two roads look equally attractive to the speaker?
Ans- Yes, both the roads looked equally attractive to the speaker.

2. How far could the speaker see of the road that he did not take?
Ans- The speaker could see the end of the road where the mass of bushes and plants were grown together under trees in the forest.

3. Why did the speaker choose one of the roads?
Ans- The speaker chose one of the roads because he could not travel both. The poet took the other road because he thought that it was more challenging to travel on it as only a few people had used it.

4. Explain—‘way leads on to way.’
Ans- Through this phrase the poet refers to the fact that one road always leads on to another and so on.

5. What will the speaker be telling ‘ages and ages hence’?
Ans- By ‘ages and ages hence’, the speaker means that somewhere in the future, when he would be old and telling stories about his past, he would take a sigh and share about his choice he made when he took the road less travelled by and that's what made all the difference in his life.



B. Think and answer.

1. What is the theme of the poem?
Ans- The major theme in Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," is about making choices and how it affects our journey of life. The speaker in the poem is travelling through woods and he has to decide a path to continue travelling. His choice of path will further decide his destiny. According to the poet, life is full of choices and what choice we make can define our destiny and can affect our future. So, one should try to choose their path carefully. As once one path is chosen, there is no turning back.

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